Paul McCartney (77) Makes His Debut As A Music Writer

Paul McCartney (77) makes his debut as a Music Writer with It’s a Wonderful Life. Paul McCartney started writing the musical It’s A Wonderful Life, based on the classic comedy and drama film by director Frank Capra.


In 2020 he should be done with the job, according to the reports.

It means that the singer starts a new challenge at the age of seventy-seven.

He has previously written films, children’s books and more than a hundred musical songs, but never a musical.

In It’s A Wonderful Life, a suicidal man is saved by his guardian angel.

The film premiered in 1946 and is often praised as one of the best films ever made.

McCartney was four years old when the movie came out.

He calls it “one of his favourite films” and finds it an honour that he can write the musical.

“As if an angel is watching me.”

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