WHO: Those Who Have No Symptoms Hardly Spread Coronavirus. Are patients without symptoms contagious or not? It is one of the big questions of this corona crisis.
First, there was the uncomfortable thought that infected people without symptoms can indeed infect others quickly.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), asymptomatic distribution is now an “infrequent” phenomenon.
According to a study from Hong Kong, published in April, individuals infected with Covid-19 can infect others as early as two to three days before they develop the first symptoms.
That news raised concerns among scientists two months ago because the virus would be challenging to control in this way.
Especially younger and healthy persons who contract the virus never develop symptoms or only mild symptoms. Others may not actually develop symptoms until days after being infected.
“While asymptomatic spread can be prevented, this is not the main way the virus is transmitted,” said the WHO.