The number of corona cases is declining in Europe, but the continent remains vulnerable. This is what the chief of the Europe section of the World Health Organization, Hans Kluge, said on Thursday.
He warned against “a false sense of security because few people have been vaccinated”. That makes a large majority of European countries vulnerable, he says.
In the European Union, for example, less than 3 percent has been vaccinated.
According to Kluge, the virus’s spread must be further reduced; otherwise, the effect of the vaccinations could disappear.
The number of vaccinations in the greater region is 41 million, and the number of infections detected since the pandemic outbreak a year ago is 36 million. And with the many tests, one million new infections are added every week.
The WHO’s Europe section covers 53 countries, including some Central Asian. The new British variant of the virus has been diagnosed in 38 countries and the South African version in 19 countries.