For the first time since the shooting incident on the film set of the film Rust, in which one person was killed and one injured, the weapons manager has made himself heard.
Hannah-Gutierrez-Reed was the third to last person to touch the weapon in question before Alec Baldwin fired the fatal shot. “No idea where the real bullets came from.”
A week after camera director Halyna Hutchins was killed by a bullet from Alec Baldwin’s weapon that should have been filled with blanks, Hanna Gutierrez-Reed is still shocked and unsure of what happened on the film set in New Mexico. That says the weapons manager in a statement sent out by her lawyers.
Gutierrez-Reed was the third last to touch the weapon before the bullet fired. After her, assistant director Dave Halls checked even before it went to Baldwin. But Halls admitted in an interview with the police that he hadn’t checked thoroughly enough. He only looked at three of the five rooms. So the real bullet was probably in one of the other two chambers.
“Truths have appeared in the press,” Gutierrez-Reed (24) now writes in the statement. “I am shocked and completely beside myself about what has happened.” Then lawyers Jason Bowles and Robert Gorence take the floor. They call safety “the priority” of their client by far. “She has no idea where those real bullets came from.
She was hired for two roles on the film set, making it difficult to focus on her job as a gun officer. She fought for training to get time to maintain weapons and prepare, but the producers didn’t give her that time. The entire production has become unsafe due to multiple factors, including a lack of safety meetings. It’s not Hannah’s fault.”